Kim - summary
Kim was the first book I wrote about on this blog, and re-reading some of the early posts it's clear I was finding my feet.
2014-04-19 - Kim's disguise is uncovered
2014-04-22 - How much did Kipling love Indian food?
2014-04-23 - Racism in Kim: Part 1 of ?
2014-04-24 - What we learn from Kim's own mouth
2014-04-26 - Racism in Kim: Part 2 of ?
2014-04-27 - Kipling ignores dissent
2014-04-27 - Nomenclature for India's first war of independence
2014-04-28 - A hint of rebellion
2014-04-28 - My ignorance of Kipling
2014-04-28 - Racism in Kipling: Part 3 of ?
2014-04-29 - A definite hint of rebellion
2014-04-30 - Angry stupid sahib
2014-05-01 - Never was such a chela
A bit later on I was prompted to write some more about Kim by an article in The Guardian.
2014-05-12 - Kim: the 34th best novel in another stupid list
I also wrote about identity in The Son and in Kim.