Started - How to be a Woman
Yesterday I was woken at 04:20 by my baby boy. I began Primo Levi's The Periodic Table on the bus. It's marvelous, obviously, but that evening I went for a now rare post-work evening out. I was so tired I could barely talk, and collapsed into bed without writing a thing, only to be woken up... 04:20 again. I stumbled through a soupy morning to a bus. All noises seemed distant. I had picked up Caitlan Moran's How to be a Woman, because I had to read something and The Periodic Table was, so far, rapid-fire geneology and etymology with a sprinkling of chemistry. No plot. No jokes. The first chapter of Moran's book was about the start of her menstruation, but actually it was about masturbation. If my facial musceles hadn't collapsed from exhaustion I'd definitely have laughed.
Moran is humane, modern, egalitarian, funny, wise, and self-deprecating. All my favourite qualities. It's about 20:00 and I've just got into bed. I'm going to read and sleep, and if I can find a way to put down her book I might get enough sleep that a 04:30 start doesn't matter so much.